Monday, January 02, 2006


Well, it is early in the morning and I have neglected doing this for a while so I thought that it would be a good idea to do so. New Years was a fun time for us, with this last weekend being a rather busy one. The Osborns got back, and after some phone tag, Luke and I went over for New Years on Saturday. The first act was to get dinner- which proved to be fun as Arby's were so nice to us as they forgot to give us the required amount of chips the first time through, so we turned around and went back and complained. We spent the time til to 12 playing all manner of board games and card games with the Clays as well as the Osborns. As the hours wore on, the Clays needed to leave with their younger kids and Luke, Savanna, Taylor, Troy and I all sat there and watched the New Years go off on the TV. It didnt look like we missed much from going downtown, what was on the TV wasnt too exciting. It was a fun time, and again it was discovered who was the best at games and such. Of course this means the powerhouse Nevill brothers. Sunday was next, and a church service at 11. After that we went to Chilis and had lunch and then needed to take Luke back to practice. I went back to the Osborns with Taylor and Savanna and soon we went to the mall to hang out for a while. Once Luke was done with practice we then went with Randy and Jess Clay to see The Famile Stone. Its not a bad movie, a bit of a suprise actually- there was a twist in it that you dont catch wind of in the previews. After the movie, it was pizza and more games at the Osborns until Taylor finally decided out of the good of her own heart to take us home. Some of the pictures taken are of the people that I have spoken about: The one with the two girls, on the left is Jessica Clay, on the right is Savanna Osborn. The lady with me is Myra Wilson, Coach Wilsons' wife. The two kids with Luke are Jalen and Jessica, both Wilsons. Jalen and Luke get along famously. The shot with the red background has Troy Osborn in the foreground, and Taylor Osborn to the right. Lastly Steve Osborn is sitting to the right of Luke on the couch. So hopefully this will help everyone back home to see who we have been hanging out with such.


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