Friday, January 27, 2006

Atlanta again

After I arrived in Atlanta on Wednesday night, I made some plans the for the next day to go to Kell High School to see some of my old teachers. John drove me to Kell at about 10:30 and as I walked into the office, I was told that I wasnt allowed to visit the person that I wanted to, and to come back an hour later. Initially I wanted to see Debbie Jones, but I found out she had been promoted a few months earlier to County level as the Athletic coordinator and no longer was there. So I went out of the school and walked around a bit to pass the time, then came back when the lady told me I could. I buzzed in Ms Barnes, my Chemistry teacher and waited til she got there. Needless to say, she was shocked to see me- it is not every day that you expect to see an old student, especially one from Australia show up at school again. The next few hours where spent back in her class room and seeing a few of the kids that I knew from when I attended. She told me that I should of been there an hour earlier, so I could talk to her AP class. I also saw Coach Baum, and a few other coaches before I left and walked down the road to get some Mexican at a small place on Canton road. Kathie picked me up from there and we went to pick up Britany at Lassiter. It ended up that we could not find her, so we went all around town to find her, only to learn she was there the whole time. We then drove over and I saw some of Jacquie's Irish dancing- she is very good and is going to a tournament as I write. Dinner that night was home made Calzones and after dinner Jacquie and went over and saw the Obriens. We spoke for over 2 hours and saw pictures of Stephanie and Brad's wedding and the newly remodelled kitchen and adjoining rooms. Erin was the only Obrien kid left- both Brett and Stephanie were gone. The next day Jacquie had off from school, so we took the BMW 7 and drove up to Cherokee county and visited a Middle School and I spoke to two classes of kids and answered questions about Australia. Of course there were some stupid questions, and one girl almost had a heart attack when she discovered that we did not have Abercrombie and Fitch in Australia. Many of them still seemed to think that Australia was a country that didnt have any modern industry and all we did was wrestle crocodiles. After that, we drove back home and did a 3 car swap and then drove out in the Accord to a mall in Roswell to pass the time until we picked Brit up from school again. That night I went to the Kell basketball game and watched the boys lose to Pope by a few- there are still a few kids that I played with on the team there, but many I did not recognise. I saw JB and Chas briefly, so hopefully later today I will be able to see them and Gerald before I leave for Nashville. After the game we met up with Erin and Mr Obrien at then new Steak and Shake off 92 for a late dinner before driving back to the house. All I am doing now is waiting for Chai and I will begin my journey back to Nashville.


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