Monday, January 23, 2006

Woodmont Sunday

Saturday was a day that Justin went to work and I occupied myself by hanging out with Mark for a part of the day and then that night we went bowling again. When we got to the bowling alley, it was packed and we had to wait for an hour and a half to get a lane. The place kept letting other people go ahead of us, it was crazy. By the time that we were done, it was 1:30 something and we could not go back to Lipscomb. So we went back to the Nipps' and Justin and I drove back to Lipscomb then next morning. Yesterday I was to go to Woodmont with the Phillips' and they picked me up at the dorm at 9:35. Keller was a little suprised to see me, as Mark had not told him who they were picking up. At the service I saw Chai, and the Ansteys and even bumped into Taylor. I spent the first part of the day in the youth centre with Keller and then sat in the 3rd service. After the service I tried to fit in Chai's car and found that with a bit of folding, I can fit in. I am not sure how I will go for 5 hours in the car, but it will be a fun experience nonetheless. That afternoon I spent with the Ansteys at their home. We ate some great lasagne and talked about past mission trips and just spent some great time catching up. After that afternoon I went out with Justin on a mission to Cool Springs to get some jeans. We got there and found out that it was closed, so we took a detour to Walmart and got some things then made a trip to Krispy Kreme and bought a box of doughnuts. It was so good, I havent had such in years. These last few days it has been raining pretty bad, Sunday it rained all day from about 9am onwards until 11pm. School is back in again, so there may be some more people around that I am to meet up with.


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