Friday, January 06, 2006

Moving on Friday

Today was the day that Luke and I said goodbye to our hotel room that had held us over the Christmas break, so at 8 am this morning we unceremoniously packed all of our gear into the tiny beetle and drove off. This post is written from the dorm again, so we finally are back. Last night I wasnt feeling too well, I dont know what it was that got me like that- but it didnt stop me from having a good enough time with the Osborns. They had some friends from Texas over and we met them to have dinner at a mexican place, then the kids went onto some bowling. It wasnt my best performance, and in the two games that were played Luke won one, and Ryan (one of the guys from Texas) won the other with a massive score of 150 something. Earlier in the day I went down to the Gateway for some lunch and snapped these pictures of the building on the far north end of the shopping centre. The Delta Center is where the Jazz play and at night is all lit up with lights in those trees that you can see. Tomorrow is the game against BYU and I expect to be driving up there at around 11. Hopefully I will have some interesting stories and pictures to show all.


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