Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Troys basketball game + chocolate

Today we went over to the Osborns to see Troy play basketball. We left after Luke had gotten back from practice and then cruised over to their house. This is where the horrible incident occurred. I know now that I will never eat any fudgesicle around a one Savanna Osborn again. She thought it was a great idea to introduce us naive Australians to the chocolate delight- the Savanna way. She took my fudgesicle and run it under hot water to get it all soft, and then "gave" it to me and it dripped all over my new light blue shirt. Well, this was a horrible experience for me- it was only saved by the quick thinking of Suzan Osborn who managed to wash my shirt and in return I received a red shirt with Oklahoma blazoned across the front. After the incident we went to Troy's game. He did pretty well, with a few points, boards and assists. They happened to win the game as well. Watching 6th grade basketball was a nice trip back in time for me, but I think that Luke enjoyed shouting at the refs and encouraging the other team. Following the game was a treat- a roast then a few hours of card playing. Spades is a game that seems to elude the Osborn girls, and even with help they could not beat Luke and I. Good times. Troy is number 34 setting that huge screen.


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