Saturday, January 07, 2006

Friday night then BYU

Friday night was spent with the Osborns and was sort of a goodbye thing for Savanna. I was picked up around 3 and we went down to the Gateway and picked up a game to play that night. After that we swung back up to the dorms to get Luke and then onto the Osborns for the night. The night was filled with pizza, games and some TV action. But the most amazing part of the time there was the sunset that night. The sky filled with every possible hue of yellow, red, orange and magenta. It was amazing, hopefully my camera picked up some of how great it was. Picture that with the mountains and the valley under lights for the foreground, and you can imagine how cool it looked. Anyway, later that night we said goodbye to Savanna and went home. Saturday was the game against BYU and it was incredible. I drove down there with a few of the players' girlfriends ( it was the only ride I could get ) and we got some great seats 25 rows up. The noise was so loud and the stadium had a great feel to it, much better than the U. I have been told this is because the fans dont really ever show up at the Huntsman unless the team is winning, but who knows. The game was a good one, with BYU definately using the home court to their advantage. Luke played really well in the first half, getting 12 points and a few boards. He didnt do so well in the 2nd, with only 2 points and a few more boards, but he played over 30 minutes and got some great blocks too. The game was still undecided until about 3 minutes left when Utah couldnt score and BYU pulled away with some amazing shots. It seemed that BYU could not miss, but I guess that they just buoyed by the atmosphere. Tonight Lizzie is coming in from California, so we are going out there to get her at 10:30.
Steve and Suzan, I hope this is a good shot of the girls- maybe you can print this one or something.


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