Saturday, January 21, 2006

Battle of the Boulevade

Last night I was at the famous rivalry game of Lipscomb and Belmont. Both these schools are small A-Sun teams that are in the same city, so there is a considerable amount of competition between the two schools. There was a pep rally on before the game and they gave out free purple shirts and food to all the students. It was a good game, it needed overtime for Lipscomb to take the game. Of all things that Lipscomb has, school spirit is definately something that it is great at. The arena was noisy, and it was a good atmosphere for a rivally game. It is a shame that I wont be there to see how Utah does the same for BYU, but seeing a small school do it wasnt too bad. I have found out that I will be travelling to Atlanta on the Wednesday til Saturday next week, so that should provide some interesting things to blog. I caught up with Mark Ott last night and we drove to the Parthenon in near Vandy and I took some pictures. I should hopefully get back to Old Hickory before I leave for Atlanta so I can post all those shots and unload my camera. Tonight Justin and I are going bowling again- maybe this time I can work towards getting a score 170+.


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