Thursday, January 19, 2006


The last few days have been crazy, in a fun sort of way. I have been to Otter Creek for their night service which is very soft and reflective, and to the Lipscomb 2006 Perth Mission team meeting. I have caught Mark Phillips and shocked him with my presence and driven all the way to north Nashville with Ryan as we returned a car seat that belonged to his sister. These days feel like they have so much packed into them, it is difficult to believe that it was just tuesday that I last wrote something. I am at the Nipps' now, restocking my clothes and getting around to doing some things online that the Lipscomb computers will not let me do, such as upload my photos. Today I sat in on Jeff's class again, it is proving interesting and I am getting some free tuition of sorts in the art of youth ministry. Campus life is fun, around classes and waking up for things I have met so many people that I have forgotten their names, but I have not yet been in want of something to do or a person to meet.


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