Thursday, January 12, 2006

A close game

Last night was the last game that I would see for a while, and it proved to be a good one even though the Utes lost. It was a close game for its entirety with Utah then San Deigo each taking their own lead for short periods. As the clock wound down, San Deigo led by 3 with a few seconds to go. Utah forced 3 turnovers, but could not connect on any of them, leaving San Deigo to score and ultimately win the game by 5. There were instances where the whole stadium got so loud, it almost seemed like the crowd was willing the Utes to win. It sort of worked, with the deficit worn down, but San Deigo were just a little too far ahead. Luke did ok, with 7 points and 3 rebounds but again he missed a few free throws. It was definately the free throws that did the Utes in, if they had made more they may of been in closer striking distance at the end of the game.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe Luke had 9 points and like 3 blocks

9:46 AM  
Blogger mufasa said...

Well, thankyou for correcting by obviously heinous error. I will be more careful in future.

10:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well you are wrong alot of the time, maybe you should take after me and be right for BURN.

11:20 AM  

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