Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Self Checkout

This little event is too funny to go unpunished. Last night at 11pm we decided to go to Smiths to buy some much needed food. We told ourselves that it was just for a few necessary things and that we would be back to the dorms soon. Wrong. 60 dollars later we got done ( and yes mum, we did buy a fair bit of fruit- grapes,bananas,apples etc ) so went to the checkout. Now because it was 11 at night, Luke decided that he would use the self checkout instead of going to the girl that was standing there with nothing to do. Nevermind that the self checkout is for 15 items or less, he insisted that he use it. Well, we had alot more than 15 items and after a while we had no where to put them all. The self checkout, for people who are in Australia is a a scanner with a scale next to it. Once the item is scanned, you place it on the scale anf keep going. Well you can guess that we ran out of room on the scale and the next thing we know the machine is telling us to put the item back on the scale (implying that we stole it). This went on for about 10 minutes and by the time we were finally done, it was 11:40. Well, from now on I shall be using the human to buy my groceries.


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