Monday, January 09, 2006

Sunday snow

Today was my last Sunday in Salt Lake before I fly off to Nashville on the 14th. It was spent alike the past few Sundays, with Church followed by lunch. Today we went to Jason's Deli and had some sandwich style lunches. What was amazing was the size of the potato that Steve ordered. This thing was huge- apparently it was grown in Idaho, and it seemed like they pumped it full of steroids or grown hormone or something- it was the biggest potato that I have seen in a very long time. Luke and I stayed on at the Osborns that afternoon and watched a movie and saw a picture of Luke in the paper with 3 players from BYU crawling all over him. He made the front page, which was pretty cool. As we drove back to the dorm, it began to snow and as of last night we finally have some snow again in Salt Lake City. I dont think it will last that long, the days are getting a little too warm and there isnt any more rain forcast. I went up into the foothills and mountains this morning for a walk while Luke was at his classes, and got some nice shots of the city and school from the hills. There was something interesting that I saw when I was up there. They are constructing a dam and attempting to save this certain fish that lives there. In 2002 another plant was introduced into the ecosystem and is killing the fish. So to solve this they are draining the entire dam and moving the fish to another place, killing the plants that live in the dam. There was all sorts of construction stuff parked all around the place, and it seemed amazing that they are spending so much effort to save this one fish, whose name sounds like a person. This is the week that everyone is back from their holiday trips, so around school is alot busier now. This means that the solitary life that we lived in the Guest House is a faded memory, with dorm life now the norm. People come in and out often, and it is good to see everyone again. I spoke to Jo Carol Nipps last night, and it seems that all my plans for Nashville are coming to fruition and I will have somewhere to stay over my time there- so all I need to do now is wait for it to come.


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