Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Donalson Youth Group

Today was a nice day where I just sat back and relaxed in between a game of ping pong. Towards the end of the day I went out with Jason to find a mug at the local Starbucks only to be told that they "did not make those" anymore. Alas, I shall have to find something else that resembles the Starbucks mug. Then after that I went with Jonathan to Donalson for the Youth group thing for an hour or so. We ate food and shot around for the most of it and later went up and did some small groups afterward. I even saw the notice board that has pictures of all the kids from Westchurch Euth on it and some old ones of the city and such. So we are definately being represented even halfway around the world. After that Jonathan decided to cash in on his tanning coupon visits and he gave me one. So I got to sit in one of those fun tanning beds. I think the experience taught me that the real sun is alot more fun and less constricting. The girls at the tanning place seemed to think it wonderful that I was from Australia too. Tomorrow I am off to Lipscomb again to eat lunch with people and then catch the ride with Betsy that will take me down to Atlanta for the weekend. If I get around a computer I will post again, if not- I shall write again on Monday or something.


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