Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Everything in a nutshell

It has been almost a week since my last post, but I assure you all that I have a good reason for this. I left the Nipps' on Thursday morning with my bags all packed ready to go down to Atanta again and arrived at Lipscomb for the day. I spent it talking and eating with a bunch of new people who I had apparently met but I didnt know about it. After all this excitement and such, I met up with Betsy and we began our journey down to Atlanta in the midst of some patchy and foggy weather. There were some fun stretches where we could not quite see in front of us, but we made it through and got over the mountains without any problems. I had some trouble with finding somewhere to stay due to the spontaneity of the trip, so I stayed with Betsy's aunt for the time I was there. The first day I went into downtown Atlanta and walked around the Capitol and the underground and all those things that make Atlanta, Atlanta. It was good timing as if I had been there a day later, the funeral of Dr Martin Luther Kings' wife was held there- and there was no way that I would of got anywhere near the place if that had been on the Friday. Friday night was spent with Chris- on the way to a play I was dropped off at the Varsity, a old school type 1950's diner that had been around for over 60 years. We met up there and ate then went over to Georgia Tech and hung out there a while. It is amazing that while you are on the campus, you cannot even tell that you are in a huge city if not for the skyline- it is so quiet and seems really cozy with all the houses and Greek houses and such. Saturday was the day that I was to meet Debbie Jones, but never got the chance to meet up with her so I ate lunch with Betsy and her aunt and then we made our drive back to Atlanta early in the Afternoon so Betsy could catch Jonathan's basketball game out in Goodpasture. I was picked up by Mark Phillips at a Cracker Barrel halfway to their house and after saying goodbye to Betsy, I began the next part of my extended stay away from the internet. That night I went with Keller and Mark and saw 'Fun with Dick and Jane' at the cinema that Jamie's boyfriend works at, so we got 2 free tickets. It is a funny movie, especially the end- for anyone who is yet to see it.. The next day I went to Woodmont Hills with the Phillips' and I got to read the communion reading in front of all those people. It was fun, I didnt have to read from a small Bible, there were teleprompter screens on both sides of the stage making it easy. After the service alot of people kept coming up and talking to me since the whole service had suddenly realised that I wasnt American. That night I went with Keller to the Superbowl party in the Youth room at Woodmont hills. It was fun - all those screaming kids when the Steelers scored. I was going for the Seahawks only on the basis that the rest of the world seemed to want the Steelers to win. Nevertheless, the Steelers won and the room exploded with screeching. The next day I slept a little later, the dug into the 5th Harry Potter book and read until Amy picked me up and took me to Cool Springs mall where I then spent the next few hours buying things. After all that I was picked up by Chip and drove back to Lipscomb and met Amy with my bags and then hung out with my new friend Leslie for a few hours til Taylor came and got me. The rest is history, as they say. It was a crazy week, but I guess its all the more fun to tell the stories when I get back.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This last post wasn't a good substitute for you afterall :P

6:57 AM  

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