Saturday, February 11, 2006

Snowed in, Homecoming 2006

This may be the last post I make from Lipscomb, with my ever increasing need to get back to the Nipps' to get some important things done before I fly out on Wednesday. Last night I was lucky enough to experience something called the "Running of the Bison" where the crazier students of the Lipscomb run through the local streets making as much as noise as possible, hoping to get the police called. Well, mission successful in wonderful style. It was flurrying snow last night and this means people here in the south go crazy with panic about the frozen water falling from the sky. I could not get a ride out as it was deemed "too dangerous" to go anywhere too far in the weather. I did however go and do some iceskating with a few friends. It was not as fun as I thought it would be. They did not have skates in my size, but that never stopped me from going out there and falling several times. 14 in fact. There were people in the main square of Lipscomb living in a built up shantytown last night and the night before and this all ended after the Bison run in a frenzied CoC party dance thing with some fireworks to top it off. This afternoon was the Homecoming game against Jacksonville, and in typical Homecoming fashion the home team had an "easy" team to play so they could win. And win they did- 101 to 75 I think. There is one thing that I may miss if I go back- a social in the gym between the two largest dorms, Elam and High Rise. It would of been interesting to see the organised mingling of a Lipscomb social dance. Tomorrow is church at Woodmont then a lunch with Eddie Anstey.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh i would have loved to see you ice-skating in skates that were too small for you, and to see you fall, ha ha

8:39 AM  

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