Monday, February 13, 2006

Sunday shambles

I am now back at Old Hickory at the Nipps' and I dont think that I will be going anywhere else until I fly out on Wednesday. I have posted the pictures for the posts that were promised to have some and will now update the rest. Yesterday I went and had lunch with Eddie and Amy at Outback Steakhouse, which is a joke if any Australian were to walk in. Nevertheless, I had a good lunch and a good time catching up with Eddie after nearly 4 years. The last time I saw him was in 2002, when he came over with a Lipscomb team. It was snowing a little the whole time we ate, and afterwards we got this old lady to take a picture of us standing out the front. Well, safe to say that she could not use a camera and when we instructed her to turn it sideways to get us all in, she turned it 45 degrees and snapped away. After I was dropped off, I went to an art show on Campus and met with a lady who knows Melody Peel, who was married recently. It is indeed a very very small world. ( For those who dont know who Melody is, she came to Australia in 2001 as part of a Lipscomb mission team ) After that it was the meeting/dinner at Mazitlans. Most of the team was there, and Mark and The Ansteys turned up as well. We just found out that one of the people have dropped out, so the team is smaller already. Then it was sleep for me, I was exhausted and I drove here with Justin earlier on this afternoon after a lunch at Baja Burrito with Mark Ott.


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