Thursday, December 29, 2005

A High Point

Yesterday night the Utes played High Point and finally got a good win under their belt after a nasty run of 2 and 4. Luke didnt play much, as he was a little late for practice that day so he only played from the second half onwards. This was one of the cases where he was not really needed. The tallest player on the other side was 6'8", and Utah bolted out of the gates to grab a solid lead in the first few minutes that would not go anywhere below 9 the rest of the game. Luke managed 8 rebounds and 3 points in his time. After that we went out for dinner at Chili's. Today we finally got around to shopping for some food, as our larder was bare. A quick Smiths run and we now have alot of water, yoghurt and instant meals. Enough that should last for another few days maybe. This afternoon I went down campus to try and get some nice sunset shots. I learnt later that the U.V. filter on my camera when pointed at the sunlight refracts and produces an inverted green image of the bright light, so half of my shots are ruined. Well, annoying as that was I still had some usable images.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Nightshots v.2

Luke and I trekked up the mountain to shoot this. Not too close, but a nice view of the city.

Snowmobiling, Park City

Today was the the most fun that I have in the longest time. We went up to do some snowmobiling with the Cunninghams up near Park City. We got up nice and early and put on all our clothes to keep warm, even though it wasnt going to be that cold up in the mountains- only around 0 C. After setting off at 7:45 we made our way up to the ranch where we were going to hire the gear. It really isnt that far from the downtown area, like the distance from Perth to our house, but the highway snakes all the way around the mountains. We got there at 8 40 and spent the next 40 minutes signing forms, getting helmets and and boots (they actually had boots there to fit both Luke and me, and they were a little too big as well- I had to borrow some socks from Mike). After a round of photos and instructions, we set off in a small group. At that time of the morning it so nice out- it looks just like the scenes from Narnia, with the snow covering everything, making it all white and silent. We drove around the trail for a while until we came to a spot where we could take some photos, but the fog was still hanging around the mountains, which made it a little hard to see far. Look at the picture of Luke to see how the visability is. A few minutes more, and we hit the small meadow and it was there I learnt that those snowmobiles are pretty quick. The small meadow was were I picked up a passenger, Racheal, and she rode on the back of my snowmobile until we got to the summit. The half hour ride to the summit resulted in a view of nothing. The shot of Racheal and me is a little peek at how far you could actually see, which was even less than at the bottom of the hill. A short trip down the mountain and we came to the big meadow- good times. Luke and I discovered that you can get one of these things up to about 55 mph (88 km/h) down a straight. Stopping is a little harder though, and that was half the fun as the tail of the snowmobile kicks out in a fishtail when you do. Turning requires you to lean like crazy into the turn to put pressure on the ski on the front, and at best I could get a 35 mph corner without falling off (which I didnt. Ask Luke how his little spill was) The trip back to the bottom of the mountain was alot quicker- we snaked through the trees and saw some really nice views of little ski lodges and cabins. Unfortunately it was too hard to get off my gloves and get into my camera bag and drive at the same time, so I didnt get any shots of those cool little homes. As we made our way down, the climate seemed to change dramatically. The snow that was once there had melted and was now leaving bare branches. The only problem with this is that you start skiing on dirt, which is all brown and not too nice to drive over. All of this in 2 hours. It seemed so much longer, but Luke needed to get back to Salt Lake City to practice at 1, so we finished at 11:40 and he made his way back. I continued on to Park City with the Cunninghams and saw the nice little mountain town with the ski resort attached to it. Imagine Subiaco in the mountains with old style buildings and snow and that is what Park City is like. Yes, I saw people walking down the street in full length fur coats and also in white Polo Ralph Lauren snow boots and pants. After lunch at the Main Street Deli, we walked around for a little while and then drove back to Salt Lake. A great day- it was so much fun and a big thankyou to the Cunninghams who took us out there! Tonight I hope to finally get some nightshots of downtown Salt Lake- I hope tonight will not rain.

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Happy Christmas everyone!

Today was our second day of Christmas, as we spent both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day at two different houses. Christmas Eve was spent at the Clay's where we had a cheat Christmas Day the day before Christmas. We had a great meal and played some Mario Kart and some Double Dash with Jess. I played an exciting game of Gobbler, which is like tic tac toe but you can swallow one piece with one of yours. Its great, and a nice mix of thinking and fun. Today we had the real Christmas and we saw in the day with a 3 hour webcam to the people back home. We were picked up at 2 by Mike Cunningham to join then for their Christmas dinner then onto the candlelight service. It was short, and full of candles which was suprising to say the least. Well, we didnt have a white Christmas, nor a cold one but a good one at that.

Friday, December 23, 2005

A not so white Christmas

For the last few days and it looks like for the next few the weather is going to be unseasonably warm, with temperatures too warm for snow. I even wore just a t shirt this afternoon and night- its 10 C. Luke was away for two days and I enterained myself by hanging out with some new friends, bowling and such. After he got back, we went out and did some shopping which was rather appropriate for the season. I now have a new watch- its so nice and shiny and has a cool chronograph on it. Luke went and bought some new shirts too. Other than the shopping trip we stopped by the city and country building and the new public library. Both buildings are quite a constrast in styles- one is new and the other has an old school architectural look. Tomorrow we visit with the preacher of Southside for Christmas on Saturday. It is one day early, but welcome nonetheless as Luke and I will have something for us to do and we wont be alone over the Christmas break.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005


I got bored sitting in the hotel room, so I decided to go out and shoot some stuff around the campus to see how the camera takes longer exposures. I didnt get far, that pesky haze was still hanging around to bother me, so no shots of the city. The one of the sunset is cool, just it was taken from our hotel room through the window, so its a bit hazy.

Downtown and the Mormans

Today was the day that Luke left for their road trip up to Seattle, so I woke up early enough to see him off and went downstairs to get some of the free breakfast our hotel so graciously offers. That done, I toyed with the idea of going downtown to wander around and check out the sights. After an hour or so, I decided it was worth the $1.40 to get down there by the train. Oh, it is a good transport system, but a little on the expensive side. The other problem is that it only goes on one route, so there aren't many places that you can go- unless you connect to the hopelessly confusing bus program. Nevertheless, it was a quick trip down from the university and it wasnt too crowded. I started by getting off a little early and walking down Main Street- and then onwards toward the Morman temple and just about every other Morman building too. The actual downtown area isnt that big- its almost as big as Perth I think- there arent that many tall buildings. There are a few parks that dot the landscape, but overall it is just another metal jungle. Most of the shots I took were of the Temple grounds, and all the lavish landscaping there is. They have this statue that is made of gold- 2 seagulls- that is there in memorial of the flock of seagulls that ate up all the locusts that came and ravaged the Morman settler's crops in 1860 something. The temple is one thing, there is this big semi circular round thing called the tabernacle which has this shiny silver roof. Most of that was being refurbished and reconstructed when I was there. All in all, the Morman area of Salt Lake City is the heart of the city, all the streets are named by their distance from the grounds. Its nice enough, and there are statues all over the place and all the trees are lit up with little lights at night. After my adventure around the Morman centre, I walked up to Capitol hill. Well, with my luck the Capitol was being refurbished as well. So all the shots I could of got of the nice buildings are covered in construction railings and trucks. Oh well. There was a good view of the city, but I have noticed that after around 2:30 or so there is this haze that settles over the city and surrounds that make it very difficult to see anything. After another walk down the hill I got a Calzone and caught the train back up to the hotel. It was a nice 4 hours, and now I have seen one of the major tourist attractions in Salt Lake City. Tomorrow may hold a hike up the mountains, hopefully the rain will hold off.

Monday, December 19, 2005

Game on: Adams State Monday night

Tonight was a well needed win for the Utes after the incident on Saturday afternoon. They won 68 to 51 after a shaky period in the middle of the first half when Adams State got within 8. Luke played ok, but couldnt finish, hitting only 5 from 12. He finished with equal top score, 12 points and 4 rebounds.


Sunday this week was alike the last, except with my brother missing. He had practice at 2 that afternoon, and couldnt manage to come. The service was the same, but this time I met a bunch of people that all proved to be very nice and generous. It even appears that we may have somewhere to go on Christmas- and maybe even a trip up to the mountains to the ski resorts. Afterwards a lunch at Chili's then a trip back to the Osborns to hang out and talk. I spoke to some friends of the Osborns who were very interested in AFL in all its brutal glory. The concept that you can play a sport like football and not wear pads seems to intrigue many Americans, I am beginning to think when they discover that we play this sport and subject our kids to it that we may be a little crazy. As I said before, it has snowed and the sky is proving to make some very interesting light shows. There is a fog that decends over the city at night which leaves the tops of the buildings visable but everything below is shrouded in mist. I dont know what is more beautiful- the clear sight of the mountains or the hint of the majesty misted by fog. I posted a few shots of around the guest house, this was a church that was made in the 19th century. It is strange for me who is used to being able to see for miles to be somewhere where the furthest point visable is 300 metres away. The building shown in the day picture is the guest house that we are staying in. On the picture of the church, that isnt snow on my lens, its the flash picking up all the minute snowflakes. Looks sweet.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

vs Arizona

The game today was a good one, for the first part of it. Utah stayed reasonably close, but could not keep up with the athletism of the Arizona guards. All in all, it ended being a routing, with Arizona winning 73 to 43. Luke did well, he got 8 points and 6 rebounds in 23 minutes. I think it was the second best points and boards on the team. I walked back to the hotel and took a picture of one of the monuments from the Olympics. After the game we went and did some ever important food shopping, then relaxing that night.

Movies, moving and its snowing again

This last few days have been a little hectic, with the need to get all our stuff into suitcases and such so we could move into the University Guest House, which is more like a 3 1/2 star hotel. So far we are not sure if someone will be coming and using the second bed which I currently am using, if so it looks like the floor is for me. Nevertheless the move has been the last thing that we have had to do before the game today. In a few hours Luke will be playing against Arizona- I think they are ranked 24th in the country right now- so this will be a great test for him and the rest of the team. I am definately looking forward to it, and hope to take some shots. The last few nights have been for the movies. Luke and I went and saw King Kong on Thursday night, and then saw Serenity at the dollar theatre last night. Both are great movies, Serenity was just as good the second time and King Kong was well, in a word, long. It is a whole 3 hours but still a great movie. For the last week or so the weather has been fine, and all the snow that we got just sat on the ground and was slowly kicked/driven down and away. So when I woke up this morning, it was a white view that greeted me from our hotel window.
The photos that are attached are from Thursday when I was at the Osborns. The one taken in the day are of their home and the ones at night are of a giant tree downtown. Next to it is the Morman temple or something like that. Please excuse the quality, it was taken from a speeding minivan.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Oh my word!

Yesterday I went to the Osbornes for half a day, while Luke trained. It was good times, with a basketball match up with Troy and a game, well it was more a slaughter in Mario Kart. I had some great poppy seed chicken before doing a little Bible study of sorts. Good times. Lizzie flies out this morning at some hideous hour, so from here on in it is Luke and me until sometime in January.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

The photo of us

This morning before Lukes training we managed to get a photo of the both of us in the snow. Its a nice photo and if anyone whats a copy, see mother soon. I also met the coaches for the first time in 2 weeks and we shopped today, stocking up on food for the next few days.

Sunday, Monday, Finals

Yesterday was the first day that Luke had been dragged to church in a while, and the first time that I had been in almost 2 weeks. We called Steve Osborn who picked us up from the U and drove us all around the state- I mean city- to church. Called Southside CoC it reminded me of home and our little church. In fact it is just alike Westchurch except there are more people and 2 services. It even started out a house, just like us! We got up early, which was about 8 am and ate and such and got picked up at 9:30 ish for a service of 11am. I can't tell you how good it is to have church start at 11 am. If I lived here, I wouldnt have to actually get up to go anywhere until 10 something. Bliss. We met most of the Osborns- Suzan, Steve, Troy and Taylor. Apparenty Savanna gets here later from college. What was also weird was that there was a guy there that went to college with Mark Phillips- so now I have some more things to say when I get to Nashville. I have finally booked my ticket for Nashville, and will be heading over there around the 14th and staying there for almost exactly a month. Right after the service Luke started a snowball fight with a bunch of 12 year olds and kept going until we got in the car to go to lunch- does that sound like anyone that we all know?
Anyway, after church we went over to the local Olive Garden and relived our Prom night from Georgia- without the obsequious waiter that we could not understand. It was a good lunch and both Luke and I needed a box to fill our meal in. We then went over to the mall attached to the restaurant and embarrassed Taylor who works at Hotdog on a Stick (any American will know why she was so embarrassed) and after that fun, we drove back to dorm. It was a great day and a big thankyou to the Osborns for putting up with us and showing us a good time.
Monday was a day of rest, then shopping. In between all the resting and shopping there was the small matter of Finals. They did not seem to matter much to Luke, who took them like he takes many things- in his stride, claiming that "it wont matter, its only American History" and with minimal effort. I suppose this is where I am to come in and force him to study. Nevertheless, we went down to a Home Depot to get some fake bamboo for Ashia and guess what was next door- a Best Buy! So we went in and came out with a camera bag, UV filter and a new DVD player. A fine nights work, I would say.
In between all this fun I managed to get the bus around campus and took a few shots of the "Presidents Circle" where all the nice buildings are. Until next time, check out this sweet Roman architecture.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Narnia, Crowns and lines

Last night it was decided that we would go and see The Chronicles Of Narnia on opening night. In order to get a ticket and be there on time, we went to a website and bought our tickets online! This was great, it saved us alot of time and it is so easy. I wish we had something like that in Australia- we most likely do, maybe I am just too lazy to find out how you can do it. Before the movie we went and ate at Crown Burger, which was a great idea. Safe to say that we got a very cheap meal that was very filling. We caught the 8:45 showing and got there about an hour early and had to line up. We got there just in time, as after we had sat down to wait the line got really big very quickly. Its amazing how many people in America go to opening nights and pack out the theatres. As for the movie, Narnia is a great movie, but I am not sure if it is a good Christian allegory. It seems that the parallels are there, but its not too obvious like other movies about the Christian story, like the Passion of the Christ. For all those who have yet to see it, I would recommend going to see it when it comes out in the rest of the world. As I write this, Luke is pigging out at the hotel near campus eating his team meal. For the shock of the century, we convinced Luke to walk, yes walk to the hotel which is about 5 minutes down the road instead of being driven. Hopefully he will play well tonight and they will post a win after the last two games. In the time between eating and sleeping I have been down at the Heritage Centre playing pool with a bunch of guys that seem to live there. Its a fun way to pass the time, and I am getting better at pool slowly but surely. Next time I write I hope to have some pictures of the game tonight and some more of Downtown and all the nice lights.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Negative 13

This morning after waking up at early (read 8 am) and having nothing to do with Luke gone, I set out to catch some nice shots of the mountains at sunrise. Needless to say, it was not very warm, and as you may of gathered from the title of this post it was minus 13 C. I put on as many layers as I could to keep the cold out, but after an hour outside I could no longer feel my fingers and decided that it was a good idea to get back in the warmth.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

A day in the sunshine

I went out yesterday in the mountain sun and winter air took some pictures from the mountains above campus. Enjoy.