Wednesday, February 22, 2006

My last day

I am typing the last post that I will be making in America, sitting in the Osborns basement listening to Troy playing Tony Hawk 3. Yesterday night we took advantage of Steve's Season tickets to the Jazz and went and saw them play the Boston Celtics. It was a good game for the first bit, then it was just painful to watch the Celtics and Paul Pierce score and score and just keep scoring until the Jazz where down by 20 odd with 8 minutes to go in the final quarter. Today I slept in some and then went to lunch with Hannah and Kathy Clay and Taylor and Suzan at the training table- that novel place where you order by phone. Then it was back to the house for some rest and to get ready to fly out after taking some pictures of the mountains and such, as it is such a lovely day today.


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