Sunday, February 19, 2006

Our Birthday and more

So much has happened in the past few days, this should be a post full of excitement. Friday was not as exciting as the next few days, but I relaxed for most of the day and then at night we went bowling at the student centre. It was good times, we got two games in before a quiet night before Saturday. Saturday was the day of the game and it was a long wait til the hour came up. It began to snow again in the morning, so by gametime a fresh layer of powder was all over everything as I walked down an hour early to get one of the memorial pins that they were handing out before the game. Bogut arrived a little before tip-off and arrived to a standing ovation from the crowd. The game was a good one, Luke playing one of the best games he has played with 21 points and 8 rebounds. The lead danced from one team to the other for most of the the game, but after halftime and the ceremony retiring Andrew's uniform the Utes spurred a comeback , only to be felled by a 3 pointer late in the 2nd half. Afterwards we tried to go out to a place that Andrew and Chris had organised, but they would not let some of us in so we went back to the dorm and on route got some free pizza from Little Ceasars. That done, the next day was to be our birthday. We woke up early at 9 something and then went onto Church with Steve Osborn. Somehow it was let by that it was our birthday so we had a round of "happy birthdays" from many people before going off to a lunch with the Osborns, the Clays, Wilsons, and a few others. We went to Famous Daves and ate some good ol' American Barbeque before we dropped off Luke at the dorm and I went with the Osborns back to their house for an afternoon of rest and TV. At 6 there was the party that was organised at the Osborns house and many people from Church and Lizzie came for a few hours of fun, poker, the NBA All-Star game and cake. I watched as Coach Wilson taught all the kids how to play Blackjack and Luke teach them all how to play Texas- Hold Em'. It was fun, but a little slow paced with everyone learning. Susan made a chocolate cake with both white and milk chocolate. What was more special was the fruit platter that was made for us "Fruit loving Australians" Pineapple, Honeydew Melon, Strawberries and grapes all adorning a plate- reminded me of home some. And to top all of this, some familes gave both Luke and I some candy and cards for our big 20th birthday. It was a great way to spend my 20th birthday, but it was a little different- there isnt any snow in Australia in February and I usually do not need to wear a whole bunch of clothes to keep warm. Change is good though, it was a nice way to spend the day in the cold.


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